Friday, February 04, 2005

Haya... at the edge of bankrupcy... esp after purchasing the plane ticket. Keep telling myself-- it doesn't matter! I got to see my girlfriend! Super looking forward to the reading week!


Interesting to find the transformation of my mood today ...

This is what I wrote this afternoon:

"Have you ever found some of your strengths are far too much for you? I have! I don't blame myself for having such a good memory of both regconizing and remembering people's faces. It helps -- at least in a lot of occasions.
But walking on campus,I was just surprised to find that a lot of strangers who passed by me actually have seemingly familiar faces. Weird I say. I don't get to know these people and yet every day we just pass and maybe touch the shoulders' of each other. It bothers them not. But it bothers me! I'm the person who remember their faces. It's far too overwhelming for me to see, or to consciously know that --somehow I know that person. Too overwhelming. I would rather have poorer memory than I do now. If that is not the person I'm supposed to know, why can't I just forget about it? Why their little details of faces, their facial expressions, and flashes of memory about them remain in the "database" of my mind? Can't it automatically clear up some "files" that have not been opened from time to time? Too attentive I am. Too much of a good thing. Realizing that you regconize people who you know they don't recognize you. Pathetic. Pathetic. Pathetic. I wish I had a smaller brain. "

Hehe... but when I was lining up for food at student center tonight, I felt somebody from behind approached me. I turned my head. It was Lennox!

"I was sitting over there(pointing to the seat) when I saw your back. I recognized your jacket and haircut and I thought it was you. So how is it going?"

Oh my!!! Haven't been to the small group for such a long time! I thought I'm not a valued member in that group at all!! Plus-- as an Asian, I think I can barely be noticed by any non-Asians here! But I was distinguished by him -- from the back! :-)

As I was heading back to residence, guess who I met? I chanced to see Hugo!!! Unlike other internationals, he immediately spotted me as I passed by!!! What better thing to be greeted by a friend with smiles and hugs? I could feel it -- that couldn't be fake!

And so... haha... I'm feeling great now. C'est la vie~~~ ;-)

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