Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Ce matin

For many days this week, I just woke up much earlier than usual. This morning I got up at seven sth. Sipping my coffee, I’m reading newspaper and checking emails. We’ve basked in glorious weather and have been able to revel in shorts-sandals-and-patio temperatures for more than 2 weeks. No storms. Plenty of sunshine. Dry as bone. Gentle breezes. Cool nights which allowed comfortable sleeping. Two weeks ago, people were saying, “Spring has sprung.” Now it’s “Summer is here.” It hit 27C yesterday!!!

But alas- it can't last!

It’s currently 18C and it is expected to be no higher than 13C for the coming few days. It’ll be cloudy with showers and thunderstorms. Cool and damp. Well, why I’m saying it here is that many of us are winter-weary already and have become verrrrrrrry eager to push the seasons.

The cardinals have elected the new Pope. Didn’t follow the news very closely as I was out for a goodbye dinner with friends (This time we cooked and omg- ALL the food was just yummy!!!) last night. So I guess you'll find me bent over the newspapers and internet news with my cup of coffee for the rest of this morning.

After all, I'm news-addicted! ;-)

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