Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Halfway this week

Well, time flies! Half of a week has already passed and I've accomplished nothing! I already know what's in store for me these two weeks. Lots of readings, cleaning, booking etc. What's not in store for me? Blogging. But I guess I've get addicted to news. Simply can't take my eyes off the computer screen, newspapers and TV. It's like I'm expecting news every single second. :-P


Two days away from the funeral. Always wonder how it's like to be standing with thousands of people in St. Peter's Square and mourning for the death of the Pope. Still feel a little upset for not being able to make it to Italy this summer... Oh btw, have a paranomic view of the St. Peter's Square here. Click on the picture once it loads, then move your cursor left and right and up and down. Awesome view. Ah don't forget to turn up your sound when doing so.


I ordered a travel guidebook from the university bookstore. The staff told me it would take ten days for the book to arrive, but it's been like 2 weeks. lol. It pisses me off as I need it to fix my route and decide how many days I'm staying in each city. Damnit... had better go to the bookstore tomorrow...


Sarah(my floormate)'s moving out. I met Liz(her mom) and her at the elevator this afternoon, when they were doing the clear-up and bringing stuff out of her room. It's been quite a while since I saw Liz. Sarah is the friend who invited me for the Thanksgiving dinner with her family and family friends last year. Missing all the people in her house - Shosh, Jordon, Jeff & Becca. And of course all the yummy pumpin pies & apple pies!!! How much I'm gonna miss this loving family!

People are moving out, one by one. All of my friends would have gone by the time i finish my finals, which means - I'll be left in the residence alone this time! :-(


For no reason this country Cambodia keeps flashing across my mind these few days. Somehow I feel a small voice inside is urging me that I should go to this place at least once in my life. I wonder if I'm able to go there by the end of this year


on a mission trip.

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