Sunday, April 03, 2005


Okay now time to finish the quiz from Cindy.

1) How many books a year do you read ?
1) Combien de livres lisez vous chaque année ?

That's hard to tell. I do read a lot due to what I'm majoring in. However, I don't read that much beside the assigned readings as I don't have much time left. Usually 2 books per week ... and I can finish 10 books outside class. So that adds up to 114(check if the caculation is accurate! I'm a total mathematical idiot~).

2) What's the last book you bought ?
2) Le dernier livre acheté ?

The Road to Daybreak by a Catholic priest Henri J. M. Nouwen

3) What's the last book you've read ?
3)Le dernier livre que vous avez lu ?

There're 2, as I finished them almost at the same time :
The Road to Daybreak (Henri Nouwen)
你欠生命一分神蹟 "You owe life a miracle"(楊牧谷 Arnold Yeung)

4) What're the 5 books worth to you or that you liked very much ?
4) Ques sont vos 5 livres favoris ou ceux qui vous ont particulièrement touché(e) ?

The Little Prince (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)
Les Misérables (Victor Hugo)
你欠生命一分神蹟 "You owe life a miracle"(楊牧谷 Arnold Yeung)
廚房哲學 “The Philosophy of Kitchen”(楊牧谷 Arnold Yeung)
撒哈拉的故事 “The Story of Sahara” (三毛 Echo Chan)

I know I'm breaking the rule … but simply can't opt it out... this book is very good as well--

The Alchemist (Paulo Coelho) Oh btw, he's a writer from Brazil. His books are really inspiring. Simple words but with meanings that go beyond what words can descibe.

Okay now I'm done. So what I'm gonna do is to pass it on to another three people and they would basically do the same thing (except breaking the rule like I did :-P) I'm passing it on to Mandy, Susan & Sikman.

Thx Cindy anyway! That helps me to know what type of books you like and I like (as I'm forced to think about it)!

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